Our 4th school in Togo in 2015 AND your donations are now tax-deductible!

Dear friends and supporters of Education Togo,

It has been a while since we had news, but we saved a little to have even better news: 1st WE WILL DO IT AGAIN! We are going to build our 4thschool in Togo in 2015! 2nd we are happy to announce that we are one of the few Austrian associations that are tax privileged. It has been a hell of a process but from now on, whatever you, your family or your company donates can be deducted from your tax payable. Now we are asking for your help!If you would like to donate to a charity while knowing exactly where your money goes, please support us!

You can find more information onwww.educationtogo.org. Save transaction fees and make a direct transfer to our bank account: IBAN = AT371515000501237465, BIC = OBKLAT2L

Thank you so much and have a joyful holiday season!

Opening Internetcafe Sokode

Hey friends,

we have great news! We have opened our first internet cafe in Togo. It is located on the main road in Sokode and carries the lovely name VIENNA.
If you have the chance, come by and visit 🙂

This internet cafe gives our students and the local community access to internet and therefore to knowledge. It is an experimental project and we will see how it turns out.


Here are some fotos

In addition we have a new webpage and some new team members. Feel free to check it out and give us feedback.

We will update you with new projects soon!

Enjoy your summer

Thanks to IB Helps @ WU again!

Another successful semester of our cooperation with the IB Institute of WU Wien ended. Thanks to all the students and the sponsors who made it possible.


Our third school has opened!

After just a few months of construction we were able to open our third school in May 2013.
The team of Education Togo travelled to Haloukpabound, Togo, to participate in the opening ceremonies. With a large festivity, the community and chiefs celebrated with us the inaughuration of the school.

On the place where before there were just a few simple huts for the various classes, stands now a freshly erected school with 4 classrooms and a teacher’s room. The building is now housing around 200 children ‚Äì our experience shows that soon it will be even more.

For the second time, we were able to provide a school with electricity from the very beginning. A powerful solar system provides illumination of all classrooms. This means that pupils can also go to their school on evenings to study or do their homework. Since Togo is close to the equator, it becomes dark very early in the day throughout the year and the illumination provides a relief for the children who used to use candles or kerosene lamps for their studies.

Additionally, the electricity can be used to charge phones and other small appliances – the school is already a meeting point for pupils from dawn til late in the evening.

In several speeches, the village chiefs and the county chief thanked Education Togo and the Peace Corps for their effort and underlined the importance of education especially for middle school pupils, since there are not enough schools in Togo to house all of them.

Construction of third school! Halfway through!

We have news from our construction site in Haloukpabound! The raw construction is already up! Just some more weeks for roofing and finishing! Please keep on supporting us. Here you can see some pictures…

Donation towards a scholarship

Eine online Spendenaktion mit Altruja

Arts for Education Togo, November 27th, Pygmalion Theater Vienna

Come and spend the night with us on Tuesday, November 27th at the Pygmalion Theater, which includes a reception with sparkling wine, a vernissage from a local artist, the showing of Carmen, and a buffet:
Pygmalion Theater
Alser Str. 43, 1080 Wien, Austria

More information on Facebook

The first pictures of the construction area in Haloukpabound

The construction of the third school in Haloukpabound will start in 2013. Here the first pictures of the construction area are shown:

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